Find a nursery school program for your two year old, something that is a couple of afternoons or mornings a week. You will appreciate the alone time with baby, and your toddler will appreciate time away from baby and the company of other kids.
Buy a Sit and Stand stroller and go for lots of walks. Everyone gets out for fresh air and sunshine, two year old gets exercise, but has the option to ride if he/she gets tired.
Never insist that everyone be quiet so the baby can nap. Ensure the baby learns to nap while life goes on or while on the go.
Find a good play group. A place where the two year old can play, and you can nurse the baby while you get to talk to other adults. Its great to go where you know you won't get the hairy eyeball because your baby is crying.
Get out of the house EVERY DAY!!! Have a shower, fix your hair, get out and face the world. Go to the library, the Y, museum, zoo, playgroup, playground or just a trip to the grocery store.
Make sure your husband is able to care for both children on his own, and take some time off each week, if only a couple of hours, and get away from the kids. Have lunch with a friend, get a manicure, go to a movie...
Make supper during naptime.