My late Dad, had Diabetes.
1) Not only overweight people, get it. It is also hereditary.
2) He NEEDS to see a Nutritionist. His primary care physician, should be referring him to one. This is mandatory.
3) He will need to take any recommended medications, daily.
4) he will need to exercise. But not for you or anyone... but for himself. And something that HE will enjoy. remember that exercise does not mean running marathons. It can just mean, walking about the block.
5) He will need to see his Doctor regularly.
6) He will need to monitor his blood sugar
7) He will need to learn... about what foods he can or cannot eat... AND how to eat. Thus, see a Nutritionist.
8) Diabetes, if a person does not take care of themselves, can die. Or the condition will get worse.
9) Each person, has to find out about THEIR condition. Don't just do what someone else is... because... they may have other medical problems too, and no person has identical conditions.
10) Go to
11) You did not say what kind of Diabetes he has.
12) He has to learn how to care of his body... Diabetics are more prone to skin infection, especially on their feet and this can cause gangrene or amputation, if it is not monitored. ie: many diabetics get foot infections because they cut themselves while cutting their toenails.
13) Diabetes... ALSO affects: the circulatory system, the nervous system, the heart, and the eyes. My Dad for example, was partially blind, due to the complications of Diabetes.
So the MOST important thing is:
get educated on it. Your HUSBAND has to.
REGULARLY, see your Doctor. Not just a general practitioner, but a SPECIALIST. A heart/cardiologist Doctor, an eye specialist, a Renal doctor, etc. My Dad, saw ALL of these Specialists, regularly, per his Diabetes.
YOU also need to, go to the Nutritionist WITH him... so that you will know how to properly cook for him and what foods he can or cannot eat.
14) you/he also, needs to know and learn about the "Glycemic" index of foods.
15) Processed foods are not good.
Simple starches, are not good. ie: white rice, potatoes, white bread, etc. These, are simple sugars.
But he can eat, brown rice etc. WHOLE grains etc.
Again... SEE A NUTRITIONIST. Because, Diabetics have unique dietary and health... needs.
You cannot guess at this.
You need to learn about it, from the ground up.
DO NOT... just cook or feed your Husband something, just because someone of someone you know, told you this is what they do or eat.
Again, my late Dad had Diabetes... BUT he ALSO had, many other health problems and conditions... which ALSO in tandem with Diabetes... had to be, managed.
Thus, the reason why, you cannot just go by hearsay on what to cook for your Husband.
It is not a one-size-shoe, fits all.