Hi! I also worked (excessively---a bonafide workaholic) my whole life, until my oldest son (4 yrs old) was nearing 6 weeks old and I just didn't want to leave him somewhere (he was a preemie, that was part of it).
This sounds silly to some, but I am a total list person, and because my natural tendency is to be completely scatterbrained and all over the place at manic pace, I have really tried to rein it in and be more organized. I made a list, so that I would feel I'd lost myself and fall into depression, on my "needs": physical, spiritual, mental, emotional, family life, social, financial, etc. I wrote ways I could move towards filling those needs (physical: change my eating habits, do therapy for my knee, begin an exercise program...spiritual: church on Sundays, a lady's Bible study on Wednesday mornings, a family devotional every day, and some personal quiet time for myself...mental: got the Rosetta Stone for Spanish and started learning it, and teaching it to my family too, joined a once a month bookclub in the neighborhood...etc, etc.
Then I went to flylady.net and found a sample of her weekly and daily schedule, morning and evening routines, and the zone and cleaning lists. Not only did this help me see that it could all be done a little at a time and in an organized, no stress way, but also, frankly I just hadn't learned a lot of this stuff before marriage. I used her lists and samples and made my OWN morning and evening routines, my own weekly schedule and made a binder basically for "the running of the house".
Things I've done for fun (besides the household management which is my "job" and taking care of the children / playing with them): a weekly lunch, coffee, or shopping date in the cute old district of town with a friend; a bi-monthly mom's club meeting (and any outings we may do together); joined a fitness center and would either work out there or go to the pool alone to enjoy the water as an adult, not just chasing children around it; found a weekly lady's Bible study; started learning Spanish; would attend any special class that came up that caught my attention (whether it was a parenting class at the parenting center, a gardening class at the botanic gardens, a cooking class at Market Street, etc); started writing (just for me); volunteering; started playing around with photography and scrapbooking; look in the free parenting magazine at the grocery store or wherever for all kinds of events (things for you, for the family, etc) and pencil in some things that catch your eye. Then if you have time and energy that day, you know of a place to go that would be fun. Different groups you join may have fun things to do. Just see what's out there and jump in.