In fact, until you are better assimilated into this culture and country and understand the more seedier side of things here, just stay away from Craigslist. There are more bad things and crimes associated with that site, than simple yard sales and free give aways.
I know you mentioned in your profile you're new to this country. You should know terrible crimes often happen to those who naively answer craigslist ads like this. These people (like the Brazilian wax man) are usually crazy rapists and murderers, people looking for prostitutes under the radar of the police, or fronts looking for people to work in the pornography industry or in prostitution.
You should also know when buying and selling things through craiglist, many people have had their financial information stolen, their homes robbed, and more. So never, ever give out personal information like your home address or phone numbers to anyone through sites like craigslist. And if you do choose to buy something (like furniture for instance) or sell something (like clothes or furniture) never do the transactions from home, meet in a very public place like a fast-food restaurant to do the transaction, and use cash only! People have been known to get into your bank accounts with check and credit card numbers. If you're looking for work, use an employment agency or your state's employment site, not Craigslist. Once again, it's too hard to tell which jobs are legit or not.
If you want a Brazilian wax, go to an expensive and reputible spa-salon, not some unlicensed person who has to get training experience through a craigslist ad. Regular salons don't usually do a service like this. You'd have to go to a full service salon that has a spa, and those are always pricey. Full service salons are the salons that provide services beyond hair styling, such as waxing, tanning, facials, massage, herbal wraps, aromatherapy treatments, manicures, pedicures, and sometimes non-surgical facelifts and botox. They (salon spas) usually employ people who are licensed and specialized in a particular area. So you'd have a stylist for your hair, but an esthetician for your nails and a colorist if you were to get highlights etc.
Furthermore, real estheticians get their training and experience through school before they graduate. Clients can go to these cosmetology schools and get regular salon services at a discount because it's a training school. While it is a school, you would receive your services at a real salon run by the school, and your esthetician would be monitored by experiened estheticians (teachers).
It is highly unusual for someone to do something like this at home for "experience" all on their own. Legitmate stylists and estheticians usually work under the guidance of an actual school...not from home with no one monitoring their work and most important they are licensed or working under a licensed salon.
Lastly, you do know what's involved with this type of waxing and what part of the female body is waxed, correct? Would you allow a strange man to touch you there in a setting that isn't guaranteed to be sanitary or safe? What would your husband think? People can get infections from waxing if the person doing it doesn't know what they're doing. And what guarantees does this person have to ensure that your privacy and dignity will be protected? Do you really think he's going to have an assistant on hand to make sure things stay on the up and up? I don't think so. Sounds like a pervert looking for an unsuspecting victim. You might do better to report this ad to the police and the site...than respond to it.
Just remember, you now live in very expensive country where simple services and things that you can trust can cost alot of money. So if you do find something that is super cheap, seems to be too good of a deal to be real, there probably is something very wrong and it is probably something that should be avoided.
While things are unfortunately very expensive, you sometimes have to decide it's worth the expense if it ensures you'll be safe, not cheated, or not taken advantage of. Otherwise,you're better off just forgoing it altogether.
I don't think saving a few pennies on beauty services is worth the trouble. Just like picking a good doctor, this is one area you could run into some real problems if you go cheap. Your safety, health and appearance are at stake, afterall. If you want to save money on beauty services go to a reputible salon chain that has a training school. I don't know if the JUUT salons are in your area, but they have a really good training school and you can get services at a reasonable discount. Fantastic Sams and Cost Cutters are affordable. They don't do Brazilians, but they do wax your eyebrows and face for under $12.