Contractions do not have to be painful. You will feel your stomach hardening then gradually becoming softer. I have had 3 boys and each labor was very different. With my last son, my contractions never became regular, just more painful. I finally went to the hospital and was 9 1/2 cm dialated and had him 20 min later. If you want pain meds dont wait too long to get to the hospital. don't worry about your dr. someone will be there to deliver your baby. the nurses almost delivered mine. my dr. walked in just in time to deliver then went back home. i was embarresed to go to the hospital and have them send me home, but after natural birth, i wish i would have went much sooner. trust your instinct, noone will make fun of you and if they do tell them to shut-up. you are nervous and whether this is your first or twelth kid it doesnt make it easier on you. just to let you know, i was dialated at a 3 for two weeks before i finally had him and he was 2 weeks early. what i have learned is that my labors were all very fast so i hope yours is to. congrats and good luck with new baby. boys are the best!!!