Have no idea what it says... but it's very nice of you... Just wanted to say that!!! We need more people like you in this world!!
Have a great day
Along the far fence of a tiny, windblown western Kansas cemetery is a child's tombstone. The inscription used to be easy to read but in the 20 years I've been visiting, the words have become harder and harder to read. I would like to have what's written on there translated so I can make a sign to put by the stone. I can't even read the child's name anymore but if memory serves me correctly it is a boy who died in the 1800s. Here is what the stone says, as best I could read it. I believe the language is German. "Hier ruht in Gott/ Frennung ist unser Loos/ Wierdersehen unsere Hoffnung" I apologize for the spelling but the child's stone is some soft material and is getting badly eroded. If someone could give me a translation of this I'd appreciate it.
Have no idea what it says... but it's very nice of you... Just wanted to say that!!! We need more people like you in this world!!
Have a great day
I googled it and this is what I found, "Here rests in God is our separation going to see our hopeful" Hope that helps...
It is German -
Here rests God, is our fate, our hope
"Hier ruht in Gott" Here rests in God
Auf wiedersehn is usually "until we meet again"...
have you tried to do a rubbing to get a better "picture" of the words? That sometimes helps.
Also, they may have misspelled words, or it may not have been as "standardized" as it is now.
I used Yahoo's Babel Fish translator to help, along with past knowledge of German, but I hope someone else can help more.
"unser/unsere" translates as "our", "hoffnung" is hope....
What I was able to get was,
"Here rests in God Frennung is our Loos/seeing our hope again"
Wierdersehen should be spelled "wiedersehen"...
I've not been able to figure out the middle phrase, though. Good luck!
check with a local university & ask for a translation.
try doing a charcoal rubbing of the headstone so that you can accurately represent each individual letter! This truly does help in translations!
Kudos to you for caring. You are a good person!
Here rests in God is our separation wierdersehen rid our hope
Joy and Judith got it. ;-)
I am not sure but I think that it is something close to this - "Here rests in God is our separation Los reunion our hope"
Rough translation:
"Here rests in God / Separation is our destiny (lot) / Reunion is our hope"
Correct German spelling:
"Hier ruht in Gott / Trennung ist unser Los / Wiedersehen unsere Hoffnung"
(Loos is probably an old spelling)
It should be spelled as
"Hier ruht in Gott/ Trennung ist unser Los/ Wiedersehen unsere Hoffnung"
I think it is a pretty standard/generic tombstone writing and does not reveal much about who lies in there.
"Here rests in God / Separation is our destiny / Seeing again (each other) [or "reunion"] our hope"
I just found the google translate last week.
It is so much fun!! especially because I have family and what not in France...I speak french...very broken....So this helps me bridge the gap so to speak:)