What good suggestions...I have never thought of some of those. My idea was to call up Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Habitat for Humanity, your local Literacy class, the Hospital Womens commitee, an animal shelter, other things that would allow you to be around people and help them to better themsleves.
Big Brothers/Big Sisters is always looking for ways to raise money to do things for the littles, the bigs can only afford to do so much.. While at OSU I was on the Board as a student representative and I did much calling to local stores, radio stations, businesses, etc...soliciting donations for a variety of fund raisers and parties. I could get a dozen pizzas and 10 gallons of ice cream on any given day and the volunteers and kids could have a party or something.
habitat fo Humanity is not a handout. The people work hundreds of hours as the down payment on their homes. The volunteers and future homeowners work endless hours and need every dime of funds that can be raised. I wrote several plea letters while I was President of the Board and the people who spent endless hours addressing envelopes and putting stamps on the mail cound never be repaid for their generosity. The funds that the plea letters generated funded so many projects such as washers and dryers, fences, things we take for granted, and allowed the home owners total cost to be lower.
I can't imagine the satisfaction one must get from helping another person's "light bulb" to go off and them finally understand the letters and words that they couldn't comprehend before. How rewarding that must be.
The Womens Auxillary at my local hospital has many purposes but I think the most important one is the support and love they give families where an infant dies. They also make clothing for the little ones, they make bonnets, small blankets, and lacey little items for premies, so many loving kind gestures. Whenever my Mother-in-Law moved to a new town that was always the first place she stopped and volunteered.
Giving an animal a bath, playing with the animals, maybe keeping some records in order, I am not sure what all you can do health wise but my MIL volunteered and did something at the local Humane Society and she was in her 70's. She was always making dog beds but serging a couple of large pieces of fabric around old used up pillows.
I hope something I have said will spark your creativity and you can find something to occupy your mind, sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers your way.