Honey, my personal opinion is that you're asking too much of your little one. Too many changes for her are happening right now, she's on the move without her normal surroundings, she's trying to cutting teeth which is painful and frustrating, and you want to take away her normal source of comfort and nourishment. I think it would be better for her if you just wait on the weening for now, until you've been home for a few weeks.
From her perspective her world is upside down and things are being removed from her. This, of course, will cause her to cling tighter to you.
Self soothing and giving up are two utterly and completely different things. She learns self soothing from example and experience with you. She's still a baby, regardless of what others would have you believe, she doesn't have the cognitive abilities to understand and reason the purpose of you refusing her so I, too, am not a fan of the cry-it-out method and not really a fan of the Ferber method of teasing and tempting your baby by coming in and out--though that's not the side they're coming from but my personality would take that harder than just being left alone.
In this time especially where she's not in her own home with the normal sights, sounds, smells, and routine, I'd stick with HER comforts and leave the changes to when you've established her home again...and she's physiologically at peace. (ie. not teething, not sick, not having a growth spurt)
Absolutely AVOID cold turkey breastfeeding...not only will it be traumatic to your wee one but YOU will pay a high price, too...engorgement, clogged ducts, even mastitis--think flu...no, no, never go cold turkey it's disruptive of the body functions in both of you.
I'd also watch how much time I'm actually spending paying attention to my baby because traveling and visiting usually means other people wanting to hold and play with wee one, running off somewhere with the other people we're visiting, different foods and/or preparation of food, different schedules/routines, and all kinds of other stimuli for wee one with a reduction of soothing buffers from mommy. Try looking at that and see if there's something there that you can tweak, too.
The key here at this moment is SURRENDER to Compassionate Service for your baby and you'll both feel better.
Hugs Mommy, it'll be OK. I promise, there will come a day when you'll wish these times could come back, just for a moment...the leave before you know it and don't want you to spend so much time with them...so, this is the best time you have to love her up. Try to enjoy it. (sad, telling you this now makes me think of all the times people told me the same thing and in my mind I told them to shove it up their noses--they were right, so I'm passing it on.)