I think you are pretty much stuck in this until you can start adding solid foods. Luckily you are a stay at home mom...could you imagine doing what you do and having to get up at 6am to get ready for work? That sounds like torture to me. Just a note...you can base your sleep schedule around the babies sleep schedule and do your best to meet your household and husbands needs after that (I just want to say that because I tried to do it all and ended up feeling tired and defeated). Our son never took to breast feeding so we were on bottles and I started adding a very small amount of rice cereal to his bottles 3 times a day (the last bottle being his bedtime bottle) when he was about 3 months old. Doctors don't recommend it but my family has done it for years and we had a hungry son so I did it anyways. He's now 4 and very healthy. In your case I would just go with it until she is on solids (that's when the belly get's full and takes more than 2 hours to digest) and take it easy on yourself by understanding your limitations outside of caring for your little one. There will come a time that you can develop a meal and nap schedule but typically not while solely breast feeding. I know it seems like a long time but it will go by in a flash and you will be chasing her around the house within the next year and wishing it was that easy again.