We were dealing with a lice infestation several months ago as well. Both my 9 year old daughter and my 3 year old son had them. I don't know who had them first, but I didn't think we'd ever get rid of them. Here's what we did.
First, I just tried conditioner and using a nit comb to get them out. I did that every other day or so for about a week. They were all gone out of their hair, but evidently not out of the house 'cause a couple week's later, the daycare called us to say our 3 year old was infested.
At that point, we used a product called Lice MD on my 3 year old, since it's supposed to be non-toxic, and we used the Wal-mart brand of Rid on my 9 year old daughter, again using the nit comb every day for 4 or 5 days. The nit comb that comes with the Lice MD seemed to work much better than the ones that come with the Rid and Nix kits, just fyi. It was hard to use the nit comb on my 3 year old (those things hurt), but we cut my 3 year old son's hair with a #3 clipper guard all over so he had a pretty short buzz cut and that helped a lot.
We also bought several cans of the bedding spray and sprayed the mattresses, the floors around the beds, the couches and chairs 3 times over a period of 2 weeks. We only sprayed when we were going to be out of the house for a while 'cause that stuff is potent. We also sprayed the interior of our vehicles at least twice with the stuff. Again, very important to let that air out very well before using the car again.
Next, we did the retreatment after 7 to 10 days like the Rid said for my 9 year old, but it didn't work and she still had them after about a week so we tried Nix at that point and that seemed to work very well 'cause we didn't have to treat her again after that.
Lastly, we washed EVERYTHING in HOT water and dried on HIGH for the next 2 months probably. We put all the comforters, blankets and pillows in the dryer on high for at least 30 minutes each several times over that same period as well and changed the sheets it seemed like every other day. It was harsh on the clothes so knowing we were going to do that, I was careful about what I had the kids wear during that time frame. None of their "good" stuff if you know what I mean.
Since we couldn't buzz cut my daughter, it was harder to get rid of them with her so we had her sit on the floor whenever possible instead of on any of the furniture and we kept her away from my son until we were sure she was clear. Not like far away, she just couldn't be anywhere where her hair would touch him or any of his stuff.
After all that, the lice were gone. I heard about the recent outbreak and I'm praying my kids are spared this time around.
Good luck!