Well, not that I have any specific advice, but, I can completely understand where you're coming from. My son is actually 9 1/2 months old and I had the same issues with him. He does now eat 3 meals of baby food every day, some days more and some less, along with his bottles, but, he is once again "stuck." When he was 7 months old, he really didn't want and solid foods yet. I tried, got totally frustrated, sometimes even got so frustrated that I even cried, which sounds pretty bad, but, well, I'm being honest. I think he finally started eating regularly at like 7 1/2 months, but, now, he does not want any chunky foods or finger foods. I have friends who talke about their babies who have been picking up and eating like chunks of bread and whole foods for months and I am still practically putting on a song and dance to get my son to eat his baby food. Honestly, it bothers me. Like you, even though I know nothing is wrong with him and he actually has done everything else pretty quickly, this has always been his "issue." The ped. told me to quit worrying about it and that a lot of kids want solids later, some don't want any until over 1 year. I have also heard some kids don't eat baby food at all and go straight to table-like foods. I feel like if I push him too much, he'll stop eating solids all together again, so, I keep trying to slip in a little chunk here and there. So, maybe your son will start to show some interest soon... I feel like people probably think I'm being too overprotective or something or being weird and not letting my son eat "bigger kid" foods, but, nope, I try and he just rejects everything except pureed squash, sweet potato, green beans, cereals, and various fruits. That's about it. So, good luck with your little one and let me know if anyone shares some good ideas with you. I could use them.