Hello, K.; I'm not sure how helpful I am, but I have a special needs daughter with Down syndrome who is 22 months old, but developmentally 12, and I understand your frustration on finding financial help. I'm a single mom with low income and still can't find any. However, in our area the university has a program called Up to 3, for children under age 3, which is free. The have also provided her with a walker, signing videos and classes, and other things we need. She gets physical therapy, speech therapy, sign language classes, all kinds of help... even a family therapist if needed or wanted to come in and help with the stressors and strains it puts on a family. I found out about this program I believe thru the hospital...or maybe they found me I can't remember. I don't know if you have a local university or something similar with such programs, but maybe ask your pediatrician. My pediatrician is very helpful in this area, asked if we are involved in Up to 3 and IHC's programs for disabled children. Good luck in finding help. I know how frustrating it can be. J.