Need Bumbo Seat

Updated on July 20, 2006
B. asks from Plano, TX
8 answers

Does anyone have a used Bumbo seat they are ready to sell or loan? I am having a boy, so prefered colors are blue or yellow. I have checked the local resale shops, and no one has any currently, and Ebay asks too much for shipping on top of the price.

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So What Happened?

I was able to get one from one of the wonderful Moms on this forum. Thank you!

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answers from Dallas on

Hi B.,

I have a blue bumbo that my daugher is about to get too big for, and would be interested in selling it to you. She really has enjoyed it, but is ready to move on now. I just wish I had bought it much sooner. Are you close to Plano by chance? you can e-mail me at


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answers from Dallas on

Once Upon A Child in Plano has them. They are brand new.



answers from Dallas on

I have one thats blue only used it a couple of months, I will sell it to you for $15.00, Im in Flower Mound, H.



answers from Dallas on

I have seen them at Once Upon a Child in Garland and Plano. Not sure how much they cost, but the phone numbers are:
Garland: ###-###-####
Plano: ###-###-####
Good luck :)



answers from Dallas on

They are one sale right now for $39 at USA BABY off 75 and Walnut Hill.



answers from Dallas on

They had several of them at USA Baby in Frisco 2 weeks ago.



answers from Dallas on

I have one that is in great condition. My daughter wasn't a big fan of it.




answers from Dallas on

I was at Once Upon a Child in Plano on Independence about a week ago, and they had a bunch of Bumbo seats. You may want to call up there and see if they still have a big supply...

Best of luck with your daughter and boy on the way!


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