Hi Jamie,
This is totally my area! I was a single mom for 13 years and had it down! Yes, I used coupons and it was very successful for me. You can pay only $1 for your regular brand deodorents and get some other really great deals.
For food, if it is something I can go generic on than I do it. We had mac & cheese last night with garlic bread. I am very picky about my tomato sauce, so I had to get my brand there, but I bought any brand diced tomatoes and drained the juice and threw it in there. You just have to watch for more stem buds in a generic can. The Texas toast will be toasted and not used for a sandwich, no one will taste the difference once it is toasted, that was generic too. I saved about a $1 on the toast. A dollar here and there really makes the difference. I would say I save anywhere from $5 to $8 dollars per shopping trip from a spendy full blown brand name trip. That is about $28 a month.
I used to give everyone their own piece of meat, but noticed I could use less meat in a casserole. I can serve 3 - 5 people off two pieces off two pieces of boneless chicken in a casserole. After a while I realized no one eats their entire piece of meat when serving steak or chicken breasts. I cut them into smaller pieces and we have plenty left over for the next day. If it is just my husband and I, I only buy or cook one piece of meat and we are just fine. My hubby is a big 6'2" guy.
Try finding nice jeans on Ebay for the kids or even yourself. I was just at my friends house and she received two pairs of jean shorts for her little girl and said she paid next to nothing for them.
You may want to place a request here on mamasource for anyone who has clothes in your childs size that they don't need or want to sell for cheap. I responded to someone who asked and just took the clothes to her and gave it to her for free. You never know, people sometimes just donate it and if someone needs it then just give it away. In return, announce your childs outgrown clothes and do the same.
Don't get your small children accustomed to designer clothes. There will be time enough for that. No one really looks at the brand of your 2 - 7 year olds clothes. They just need play clothes and one or two dress up clothes per season.
If possible buy bulk rather than individual prices. Bulk is usually cheaper. Just make sure it will last. For pizza night I buy Costco frozen pizza or their fresh pizza. I don't dig pizza like I used to so I don't have a major preference.
In our house, bottled waters are for "on the go". If I place them in the refrigerator, they will drink them ALL! So I only put them in the frige when we are going somewhere.
I changed the thermostat. I now have a preset digital thermostat. It goes way down when we are away and resets the temperature when we are due to return back to the house. This has made quite a difference in our power bill from my year to year graph.
GAS prices, ew! I am purchasing a small used car for running around. I can't ride a bike, for one thing I live in Vegas and it is not safe, but I also have a baby to tote around. A small car will do just fine. I have done everything possible to reduce my trips or make one round trip. when I can I call and change my appointments to all be in one day and one round trip. It also makes my day a little easier.
My husband will not use pocket change. I pick it up right behind him and if possible, I will give a store clerk $3 in quarters and then pay the rest of the bill. Most places are able to enter cash and then provide your balance that you can place on a debit card (or whatever).
Take a look at your budget and see what or who is causing you trouble. It is amazing how much money you can save when you budget right.
Best of luck.