Need Alternative Testing/treatments for Food Allergy

Updated on March 09, 2008
K.F. asks from Dublin, OH
4 answers

I am seeking a doctor who can test for food allergies (not scratch or patch testing) and offer some treatment. My 3 year old is so allergic he can only have about 5 foods, and those are the things we know about. He is still reacting to something! I have read about provocation/neutralization testing but have been unsuccessful in finding a professional who does it in Ohio. Can anyone offer suggestions? We have exhausted the possibilities through traditional allergists and testing. He is anemic from intestinal bleeding, his eczema is so severe his skin breaks open and bleeds, and he has a myriad of other symptoms.

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answers from Columbus on

Most allergists will do an oral challenge in their office only if there is evidence from the tests that the patient has outgrown an allergy. I've heard of oral immunotherapy for peanut allergy (giving small doses of the protein and very slowly increasing the dose in order to build up a tolerance), but that is still in clinical trial at Duke University, run by Dr. Wesley Burks. I've also heard of sublingual (under the tongue) therapy for some allergies. Have you contacted the allergy clinics at the major Children's Hosptials in Columbus, Cincinnati and Cleveland? They may be able to point you in the right direction.

About intestinal bleeding... Food allergies don't cause bleeding. My daughter (who also has multiple food allergies and eczema) had a bout of bloody diarrhea and was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis last year at age 4. You may want to get a referral to a gastroenterologist about the intestinal bleeding. My daughter also became anemic and had to have blood transfusions. Feel free to contact me if you would like more information. I can also recommend some supplements that can help to heal the damaged intestinal wall and an iron supplement that will not cause damaging oxidation in the intestine (don't use ferrous sulfate--use ferrochel). My daughter is now in remission from the UC.



answers from Columbus on

I don't have any doctor recommendations, but I know of a product that has helped so many people who suffer from allergies. It's called OPC-3. It's an all natural antioxidant. I have dozens of testimonials that I would be happy to share with you if you're interested.

Usually people (including myself) are skeptical to try natural remedies, but after everything else has failed to help and they are desperate enough they give it a chance. Let me know if you're there yet!




answers from Columbus on

Hi K.,
I understand your pain. In January, my oldest son had an allergy test done due to out of control eczema like you child. He had the pricks done on his back to see what he was allergic to & it showed a wheat allergy. Noone in my family background that I know about or my husbands family has an allergy to wheat, which is in everything. The allergist stated there was no known proof that the wheat was causing his eczema but to remove it from his diet all together. My son is 10 yrs old and that was the end of the world to him not to mention a drastic change for all of us. I didn't feel comfortable with the outcome so I requested a 2nd opinion with another allergist through my family doctor's recommendation. They did what is called a rast or raft test. This is when they take his blood and test it with all of the individual food allergens & it gives you a percent of how allergic they are to any of them, if at all. You wouldn't believe it but he has NO food allergies. Not even wheat. Apparently, he is allergic to nickel which is in inexpensive jewelery, snaps on jeans, back of watches etc. We think the first doctor probably used a needle or prick that contained nickel in it which made is show up from the wheat prick. I hope that this may be helpful to you and advice you to keep digging because it sounds like something else is going on or causing the eczema to flare up tremendously. Good Luck!



answers from Columbus on

Dr. Brad Ardnt (a chiropractor) in Dublin does natural testing and allergy elimination. I've not been to him but have heard his treatments are successful. He does free consultations.

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