Hey H.:
Congratulations on the expectation of your new baby. I want you to know that your not alone and we have all been through the brushing the teeth worries. Here is some suggestions that I hope will help you and your baby girl:
1. Take her to the store with you and find the tooth brush character that she likes; You know, let her pick it out and let her give the clerk the money only for her tooth brush. While she is choosing her brush, tell her that in order to pick out her favorite one, that she will have to brush her teeth--(kids are smarter that we give them credit for!) Also, look for the same character tooth paste or something that she really likes.
2. You should brush your teeth at the same time as she does--even if it means that your brushing twice in the morning and at night--and Act 11/Reach has a mouth wash/rinse just for kids, buy her that and some cute little Dixie cups and show her how to swish it around in her her mouth and spit it out. They really seem to get a kick out of that, and it makes them feel like a big kid.
3. She might not like the feel of the tooth brush, so a Dentist suggested to me once to take a soft cloth or baby towel and put some tooth paste (her kind of course) on it and rub her teeth. It's a lot to do, but it gets them clean.
I hope one or all of these suggestions can help you.
Be Blessed