In my opinion, the absolute best way to potty train a child is to dedicate a few days just to that. It could be a weekend or a few days vacation, but you have to stay home, so that your child will feel comfortable and you won't have any accidents while you are out. I take care of children at home, and recently helped potty train one of the 2 year olds. She did exactly the things you are doing at home and with me for over four months, without much progress. Her mother and I both agreed that if the child isn't ready, you'll make things harder on yourself by pushing the issue. We did stickers at my house, and when she finally got a whole row of stickers (right before Christmas break), she earned a new pack of cute panties. Home with her mom over the break, she wore panties every day. She had a few accidents at first, but she realized quickly that she did not want to go in her panties, it was too uncomfortable. She got the hang of it after day 2 and came back after break completely potty trained. In my experience, pull ups are expensive, and ineffective. Underwear can be messy at first, but that's how kids learn.