Need Advice on My Teenage Daughters First Date!! HELP!!!

Updated on May 18, 2010
L.M. asks from Bothell, WA
23 answers

My daughter is 15 she was asked outon her first date an she has a HUGE crush on the guy that asked her. He is a family friends son and is also 15. He is alot less sheltered than my kids and has even already lost his virginity! I hate this I am loosing my mind. I know if i say no and make a big deal out of it they may just sneak around to see on another. I trust my daughter she is a good girl. I have taught her well. She talks to me about EVERYTHING. She hides nothing from me. She really wants to date this kid and I am a wreck. I said yes but only with me there with them. She agreed. As did he. The other girlfriends he has had, had little or no supervision. I an not like that. I know everywhere and everything my kids are doing. What can I do to make sure nothing happens and maybe they can grow tired of seeing each other at all if I am always in the way?? At the same time I don't wanna smoother my daughter and make her stop talking openly with me. I want her to feel safe talking about herself with me. Also I am worried about my friendship with the boys mother. I feel like she is less likely to take the kind of precautions I am talking to safe gaurd my daughters well being. She might even take offence to me not allowing my daughter over or me saying I feel her son is not the right kinda guy for my daughter? Am I insane? I really need advice here and ASAP cause their date is this weekend. I will take any and all ideas. Thanks in advance for any help I might get.

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answers from Portland on

Well, my kids aren't allowed to date until they are 16, but they can go out in groups until then. They have known this from birth, so it is an expectation that came without question from them.

I would totally need to know everything about their date. It is NOT is being a good Mom. Anyone who tells you otherwise is part of our societies problems with our youth. They do NOT have the maturity to know right from wrong in sexual situations. That is very clear. They could be the best son or daughter in the world and fall into the moment of things.

I do not allow my kids to go somewhere private. They are to always be in public or at the movies, etc. I always need to know who they will be hanging with (in general).

Make sure she has a cell phone! If she does have any emergencies, she should be able to call you. I don't call them...that would be smothering. Ha Ha.

The boy's parents are probably a lot more lenient because he is a boy. I have boys and girls and know that I do protect my girls alot more. Hmmm? Anyway, you will have to be the one.

If the boy makes negative comments to your daughter about you, then I would hope you and your daughter are close enough to talk to each other and remember that anyone who tries to split up a family is not what they would want in their lives as a boyfriend. Maybe you should have that conversation prior to dating at all. What are her goals for dating? Will those relationships ever come ahead of yours and hers? Ask her those questions and see what her answers are? I think that if she knows what your fears are, she might console you a bit.

Good luck! Teenage years are really hard. Just remember, they are not adults and should not be treated like adults until they are ready and show that they are able to make those critical adult decisions.

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answers from Portland on

Wow! what a difference definitions make. In my opinion Josefina's daughter was dating. In today's world dating is not a prelude to marriage. It's how boys and girls learn how to relate to each other. And they do need to know that long before they marry.

I do agree that you need to set boundaries and it sounds to me like you have set reasonable ones already. And you have conversations about what is happening and what you expect and why what you are saying is good for your daughter. You have taught her well and you have a strong open relationship. Now is the time to trust her and stop worrying so much.

Keep in mind that this experience is new for both of you and it will take time to feel comfortable with dating. I think 15 is old enough to start getting to know boys as individuals and learning how to deal with all that entails, including the sexual aspect of it. I think it's extremely important for your daughter to know the serious implications of every step in a sexual relationship. But she also needs to know that it's a happy satisfying part of life when one is mature enough to handle the consequences. Unfortunately our society has forgotten the responsibilities involved and emphasized the pleasure without regard to maturity or future goals. This makes it more difficult for us parents to effectively teach our children how to handle sex. Not allowing them to date handicaps them in the long run because they don't have the experience of coping with it step by step and with our guidance while at the same time being bombarded with the temptation from all sides.

It sounds to me that you have taught your daughter, have built a strong communicative pathway, have set some reasonable boundaries, and are adequately supervising. Now it's time to trust both your daughter and your own abilities.

As to the situation with the boy's mother, I'd just have a frank talk with her about your concerns. Find out her view and then make a decision based on how you think that she will handle this based on that conversation and what you already know about the family. Your daughter's welfare is more important than a friendship with someone who doesn't respect your boundaries.

Supervised time together is the way to start dating. Hopefully she has had the experience of supervised group activities already. This is just a reasonable extension of that idea. They then earn increasingly more time together at whatever pace you feel comfortable. I think that as long as you talk with your daughter respectfully, listen to her ideas, and make a non-judgemental this is the way it is in our family decision you will be fine. I think that kids get sneaky when they feel that they are not heard or their ideas are not respected. Parent and child do not have to agree. But the parent is the final authority, firm and respectful.

And finally, I think it will help for you to accept that although you do not want her to have a sexual relationship and have done everything that is reasonable to prevent it, it still could happen and it won't be the end of the world. It may feel like it. My unmarried daughter became pregnant at 18 putting an end to her plans for college. She is very sorry that happened and realizes now that it happened because both she and the boy were immature. It was painful for me in many ways. Not only because of the pain that my daughter experience but I also realized that I had protected her from the consequences of less serious actions. Perhaps if I had let her learn from her own mistakes in less serious situations she wouldn't have gotten pregnant. I also didn't supervise her enough when she was younger and began dating. In some ways I was over protective and in other ways not protective enough.

This is one reason why I think that you are doing the right thing with your daughter. This is also why I'm telling you that whatever happens with your daughter, although serious and painful, is not "the end of the world." I would expect that she will do things while dating that will help her to realize that you know what you are talking about. That is why a parent gradually allows more freedom while they are always available for the talks that you are already having. You'll have a good idea when to loosen the restrictions by being involved from the start and by knowing your daughter.

I would wish that my daughter had not gotten pregnant and especially not with this immature boy. I also know that because I had not set boundaries early on that I was unable, at age 18, to help her see where she was headed. We did not have good communication. I am easier on myself because I did not get to build a relationship from birth. She was my foster child at 6 and I adopted her at 13.

But we do have a good relationship now and I do love being Grandma.

From what you've written I do think that you are doing the right thing by allowing her to date the son of friends and beginning the dating with boundaries and supervison, good communication and mutual trust. There will be times that she will fight with you. That is a normal part of learning to become grown up. And you'll both make mistakes. Allow that to happen, allow her to suffer the consequences when they are small, and give her lots of love and respect.


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answers from Spokane on

Hi L.,

With my kids, I went according to my own experiences. My parents were very strict due to their religion. Because of that I would lie & tell them I was going somewhere else. They never knew where I really was on my dates or hanging out with my friends.

I didn't stick to the religion I was raised up on. (I still believe in God) So I'm not as strict as my parents. I let my kids go to movies, dances & such. I need to know where they are going, know the people they are going with and what time they will be home.

My girls are 19 & 22 years old, my boy is 13 years old. I let them know that I trust them but I worry because I love them. I want to know where they are at all times. My girls are on there own now, so I'm talking about when they lived with me.

If you've taught your daughter well, you shouldn't have to worry. The teenage years are hard, seeing them grow up into little women & sprout out on there own.

You have got to trust your kids & let them know you trust them. My kids & I are pretty close, sometimes they tell me things that I wish they would have kept to themselves.

You know this boys Mom. He's not a vigin takes two. Hopefully you've taught your daughter about that stuff & she won't go there. Whoever she is on a date with, there's that risk. Almost any boy is going to try, even the church boys. I dated a few of those & yeah, they tried. Didn't get anywhere.

I'd relax on this one. It is hard watching them grow up & even after they are grown they may get into situations & there is nothing you can do besides let them know you are there for them & your home is open to them anytime. My 19 year old is in a situation that I wish she would get out of.

I hope this helps.


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answers from Seattle on

Hi L.,

Been there, done that! lol
My advice to you would be as simple as this. Talk to her, and voice your concerns about why your worried. I've found that even though the things I have to say to my kids are not always what they want to hear, I'm talking to them. It has made a world of difference in our lives. It sounds like you've got a big part of that already happening. I know you dont want to crush her heart because of how excited she is and all by telling her you dont like the one she has chosen to go on her first date with.. but.... she needs to know. And it can be said with love and concern.

I think more importantly is talking to this boy and his parents. Regardless of his history with other girls and the way he or his parents have conducted themselves. It only matters now, with you and your daughter. I think at a young age girls are really sucked in by that bad boy attitude and it is a magnet for them. They really know it is not a good thing, but want to see if this person will be different with them, or if it is something that will be more exciting than always being the good kid.

My daughter (now 18 and moved out two weeks ago)and I have a wonderful relationship and I didnt allow her to date until 16 yrs of age, and sure enough the day after she had a boyfriend that was waiting in the wings for her birthday. Low and behold he seemed nice around her father and I, but we are both very intutive and very perceptive to picking up behavior and heart felt energy about people. I knew this kid might have not been the best decision for her, I voiced that, and said well, you need to always put you first. If ever there is a moment that you need to question what he has said or done to you, then do so and do not judge yourself for that. Go with your 'feeling' and not your head or you'll find yourself in a situation that you will have a very tough time getting yourself out of. She is a very strong willed, vibrant and strong young lady so I knew she would not have an issue calling him on something he did wrong to her. But, it would have to be her. We as mothers want to protect our children from all the bad in the world, and that includes them getting their heart broke. But, that is a hopeless unrealistic thing in our own minds. This and all experiences will need to be lived and learned by our children themselves. We only have the ability to appreciate their willingness to love and be loved, the ability to trust them in their decisions, the ability to communicate even if its arguing and discussing things that are not always comfortable, and finally the ability to be there for them and listen and hold them when they are living 'life' and 'feeling' the hurt, the happiness, the struggles, the successes. The greatest gift to us to have them include us in their journey and look to us for strength and guidance and a good 'ear' when needed.

Sorry to ramble, but I feel your heart aching from concern, and yet to want so badly to do the right thing in helping your daughter be happy and healthy. My big thing is to not always give the negative side of the person they are seeing. I've since changed my ways in thinking in so many ways since my daughter has grown. I have an opportunity again (i have another 13 year old) and can try and put things in a positive and non judgemental intention with her and her relationships with both girls and boys. It really is a struggle for them in all aspects. They are learning so much about themselves during this time. I have always taught my girls that the outside world does not define who you are, or what you should look like, or wear, etc. You are beautiful just as you decide to be, and you will attract the people that should be around you by being true to yourself. Speak and act in integrity and honesty and things will align themselves perfectly.
Another option for you going would be that it not be a date of just the two. Make it a date of three couples. This was a rule with my daughter to prevent the dating thing starting prior to sixteen. She went everywhere as a group. There were no one on one events happening and I think it helped greatly. So, if your able to implement her group of friends bringing their boyfriends or what and going all together that could be a secondary option.

#1 Talk to you daughter with your heart and not your head (no judgment or character assumptions) speak from a place of pure love.
#2 Talk to the parents (either on the phone, but face to face would be much better) about how you've raised your daughter, and the things that are expected of her while out on her first date.
#3 Talk to the young man about the intention he has on this first date. I would try and open up the conversation more along the lines of getting to know him personally and finding out what his values and goals are for life. It is entirely possible that this boy hasnt had the communication with his parents or anyone and therefore goes outside of the family to do things that are of acting out (losing virginity, etc). This might make all the difference in the relationships he has throughout life period.
#4 Trust yourself and love yourself for the daughter that you've raised. Love yourself for being a concerned parent and wanting to be involved in her life. Trust that she will do what is right, and will come to you when she needs your love and guidance.

Good luck my dear! let me know how it goes.. now that I've wrote you a novel.. sorry all. I've been on a heck of a spirtual journey and learned so much about the way I could have done things.. nonetheless.. my children have turned out fabulous and beautiful.. because the biggest thing I've taught them through all is that I am human. I am learning just as they are, we are going through this together and although it seems as if I should be the one to say all the right things, and do all the right things because I am the parent.. I am not perfect, I've never been perfect and I never will be perfect. I am in this school of life, just as they are. we are a team. Lets work together and love together and it is what it is!!

Blessings ~ Feel free to email me if you'd like to talk more.. I'm on the Eastside.. just south of you.. but, would love to talk more if your feeling anxious. have a beautiful day~

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answers from Los Angeles on

No matter how good your daughter is, it's better not to provide an enviroment for mishaps to happen. Fuel for the flesh. I think you need to stick your grounds. If you friend doesn't understand and thinks it's not such a big deal...tell her that if it's not a big deal then she shouldn't mind that you shaperone. Adult Christians men and women don't date unsupervised and they have more common sense then 15 year olds do.

His hormones are only thinking about one Suggest an in home movie night. You'll be in the other room and they can have time but you can sneak in any time. Suggest a movie out. You'll sit away but in view. Suggest dinner out. Get to know the boy and if he feels comfortable in your family unit, he may be less likely to do something to dishonor himself and lose your respect. Tell him you trust him and that he has your respect and that it's up to him whether or not he wants to keep it. It may get in, it may not but it's worth a shot.

Remember, she is only 15. I lost my virginity at 14 to a boy who 15. Oh and I told my mom all about it and asked for the pill. My mom must have died. I was so stupid. I had a sleep over at my friends...the parents weren't home, my mom thought they were. I lost my virginity, I drank hard liquor and smoked pot for the first time all in one night. I became an alcoholic and pot head for most of my highschool career. Had I had a mom like you, I probably wouldn't have had issues with sex that ended up affecting me in marriage. It's taken me about 15 years to get over issues from having sex too young, from not realizing my worth, for letting boys have their way to when I didn't want to. Tell her that sex is normal, good, natural and a special gift given to her for the right time. If she gives it away too soon (I believe before marriage but for some it varies) it's like you setting a side a birthday gift for her...$100 and the day before you're going to give it to her, she sneaks in and steals it. It takes the specialness of the gift away and makes it a dirty little secret that can follow you for more years than you realize.

Good luck.

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answers from Seattle on

Hi L.,
I can understand your angst, my daughter is almost 14 and drop dead gorgeous, and has started developing an interest in boys. I too am a very involved parent, and know where my kids are pretty much every moment. I've tried to keep my daughter so involved with music and drama and other things that she doesn't have too much time to dwell on boys. This year she will be able to go to the 8th grade dance. Next year we will allow groups dates with church friends and school friends that I know, but no singles dates until she is 16. Everyone has a different philosophy about sex education etc. so no offence if this is not your philosophy, but besides the obvious encouraging abstinence, we also want her to be aware about birth control. This is a very different world we live in and though we don't necessarily want our children to make bad choices, there is a lot of pressure, and a 15 year old boy that has already had sex, is definitly going to pressure her. I think you probably have the right idea of just being so involved that he gets tired of your pressence and just goes away. Let's hope this is the case, good luck with it and I'm glad to know there are parents out there that still care what there kids are up to.
J. E.

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answers from Portland on

hi L.! As the mother of a 16 year old girl I feel your pain. My advice is, let her go on the date. But make sure it is supervised, all the time, period. If she wants to see a movie with this boy, drop her off, pick her up. Let her know that you are responsible for her well being, and as such, you need to know were she is at all times. I watch my daughter closely, and I make no bones about what is and is not ok. just keep an eye on her, and don't concern yourself with what the boys mom thinks, this is your child, you have every right to be concerned.

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answers from Seattle on

i think if you talk to your daughter about everything if you sat her down and talked to her about how you are feeling and why. Tell her that you are not comfortable with her dating a guy that has gone as far as he has in a relationship and that you don't want her to go that far. I guess just try the open and honest approach is what i would do and see where it leads this time. YOu have to trust that you raised your kids right and that they are going to make the right choice when the time comes.

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answers from San Luis Obispo on

First of all, you sound like a TERRIFIC mom! Good for you for knowing everything thats going on in your kids life... their business is your business until they are adults!!!

You have a daughter, which I think is probably harder than a son... if your friend is offended, too bad... you daughter is more important, if she's a good friend she'll understand!

I have two sons, 17 yrs and 16 mos. and a step daughter who is 16 yrs and lives with her mother... she always comes to me about dating and boys because her mother is not easy to talk to. I feel for you, I think it's much trickier dealing with a girl... I talked to my son a lot about the female point of view so he could understand the differences.

It's SO great that you have a good relationship with your daughter and she talks to you openly... this is the MOST important thing... keeping the lines of communication OPEN between the two of you. This can be hard with a teenager... you have to be sympathetic to her feelings and logical in your reasoning with them or they wont listen to you. Anger and fear will just make your teen put up a wall.

It's scary but you've got to at some point show her that you trust her. Talk openly to her about sex and more importantly the feelings that go with it. In school, they learn all about the mechanics but not much about the emotional side. The sad fact is, SO many teens are having sex young... not just your friend's son... your daughter more than likely has friends who have already done it.

When my step-daughter askes me about sex, I tell her that it's a really big deal... especially the first time, that it will cause her to have very deep and strong feelings for the person and so it is a precious gift not to be given lightly. That it's up to her to protect her heart as well as her body. I told my step-daughter that when you're young, dating is for fun and doesn't have to be exclusive... to think of it as finding out about differences, personalities and qualities in people... like trying on shoes (she liked that). I've also asked her to please talk to me before-hand if she makes the choice to have sex before she's an adult, and I promised not to get mad at her but that I want to know what her feelings are and want to make sure she's safe. I'm only her step-mom so I can only do so much... if I were her mother I'd have talked to her about the subject all throughout her life (age appropriately of course).

All we can do as responsible parents is arm our kids with information, guide them as much as they'll let us, give them our trust when they deserve it, and love them unconditionally... and having our noses in all their business is a parental right. Good luck...

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answers from San Diego on

My daughter is two and I can definitely wait until the teenage stage in her life. However, Kudos on standing your ground. I would not let me daughter be unsupervised at the age of 15 with a boy I did not trust and maybe not a boy I did trust. Often in today's society teenagers are given the liberties of an adult when they are still so young. 15 is not that old, even though it is an age of struggle for independence. You can't avoid some struggle in the teenage stage. If your daughter knew you wanted to smother out the relationship, she definitely won't respond well, but if the relationship was meant to be then it will outlast your persistence (but at 15, what relationship is meant to last?). If this boy sincerely respects and likes your daughter, then he will put up with anything you throw at him. I would definitely keep up the supervision if I was in this situation. My grandmother told me once that if you worry, then you are a good mother, and from there just try your best. I remember my parents letting me go on "outings with friends" (the title they gave to dates). They would take us to the mall to shop/watch a movie. This way they were always in the same building, but I didn't feel smothered because they weren't right next to me all the time. I hope this helps, but it seems like you are doing every thing you can.



answers from Seattle on

Hello, my name is K., and I think that I might be able to help a little, I hope so. If you really trust your daughter and believe that she's a great kid, than you shouldn't have to be on the date with them. I know that they agreed to it, but you should just be honest with her, tell her how you feel, and tell her that you trust her and know that she'll do the right thing. Just because this boy has lost his virginity, doesn't mean that your daughter will be so forthcoming. I think you should give her the benefit of the doubt. If you trust her, she'll trust you.



answers from Portland on

My advice...Relax and take a step back. I would have been mortified if my mom wanted to go on a date to supervise me. You do have the right to know where she is at all times and you have the right to give her a curfew and keep her safe. But she needs to know that part of growing up is making good decisions when mom isn't around. I too was a good girl. I didn't drink or do drugs and I didn't loose my virginity until I was out of high school. I think that if you know your daughter is trustworthy and she hasn't given any reason for you to distrust her then give her a little slack. Keep talking to her about her dates and about sex and about drugs and alcohol. Keep her out of situations where she is likely to have an urge to have sex like a "party" where no parents are around or when she has an extra hour before or after the movie to hang out in the car. Those temptations will be more intense at different times and a little mom reassurance will help her remember why she has been a good girl thus far and help her make good decisions at the time. On the other hand realize that she may not make decisions the way that you want her to and you need to make sure you have open lines of communication. When I did make the decision to loose my virginity I didn't tell my mom. Partially because I knew she wouldn't approve but partially because she never asked me directly. I never lied to my mom but since she didn't ask I didn't tell. One day I was working and came down with a horrible pain in my abdomen that left me passed out in the bathroom at work which turned out to be a cyst which had ruptured on my ovary. I called my mom and she took me to the hospital and on the way she asked if I was still being "a good girl" and I told her the truth. I was smart enough to go to a free teen clinic and have exams and check ups and get birth control but not all girls will do this. The worst part about it all was that when I got older and talked to my mom she said that she knew I was sexually active and I still don't understand why she didn't at least talk to me about the types of birth control out there. I know this must be scary to hear but if you smother her and don't give her the opportunity to make desicions now she may begin to oppose the idea of being so restricted. Not only that but when its time to be an adult and make decisions about marriage, kids and the other tuff stuff she won't have any decision making skills or past experiences.
Just my 2 cents.
Good Luck!



answers from Seattle on

Just know that you have tought her everything she needs to know and she will make you proud.If she is anything like my girl also 15 she knows what she wants and will not let boys get in the way..My girl had her frist boyfriend. I wasn't going to let her date till 16..but because she asked me instead of sneeking around I let her..Sad to say that this guy was a to your face he has other girlfriends as well..but my daughter wasn't about to give up anything that was sacred to her so the boy moved on as did my girl..she doesn't have a boyfriend and said I was right that she will date later on..just let her experience things at her pace and with a light heart..good luck i am also a stay at home mom with a 17 yr. boy and 15 yr.&10 yr.girls and I an 37



answers from Portland on


Well I'm not a mom with a teenage daughter, but I'm young and I remember being that daughter, and from that point of view I would say the best thing for you to do is to keep that trust between you and her and also to build a relationship with the boyfriend too. Remeber, she's only 15, and there's gonna be more boys in the future! :) But start off with those supervised dates, but still give them a little space, and when you feel you have established that trust, let them go on one by themselves, but I'd wait till she was at least 16 for that. My mom hated the fact that I was growing up and entering that scene, but when your daughter knows you trust her, she's going to trust you and she will continue to tell you everything and not sneak around.
Hope this helps! :)



answers from Seattle on

ahhhhhhhhhh, such a tough time, I'm sure! Why would you want to stop your daughter from seeing this guy? Do you not like him? You seemed alright with him, but halfway through your post, you mentioned trying to keep them apart. Are you afraid your daughter will make a mistake? Or do something you don't want them to do?

In this day and age, kids are doing things at a younger age. I would suggest supervising them, but don't be overbearing about it. If you're concerned about what they're going to do, then talk to your daughter about it. You said you guys talk about everything...why not talk about this? Even if she doesn't SAY she's going to do something, you would probably be able to read her expressions enough to catch on that she plans on doing something you wouldn't approve of.

Just keep in mind that you can't protect your daughter from EVERYTHING...she does need to experience some things. Like you've said, your daughter is a wonderful kid and you've taught her right. She's not going to just throw all of that out the window because a boy comes along. I wasn't there long ago, myself :) And I remember when I lost my virginity at 16...we were responsible about it and if you talk to your daughter, I'm sure she will be too (when that time eventually comes).



answers from Las Vegas on

You need to trust yourself in the fact that you raised your daughter right. You have to realize she isn't going out with him to have sex. They are just going to hang out and have fun. Just because he may have had sex doesn't mean your daughter will let him have sex with her. She just wants to have her first date like we all did at that age. Just remember your raising a very smart girl. Who you've taught how to say no. If you don't give a little you might push her into doing something she might not of done other wise. I know its hard to do. We just want to protect them all the time. But just believe in her and yourself that she will do whats right.




answers from New York on

I have no issues regarding my child, i trust her and respect her judgement I do monitor her activity just because i am a mother. When the time comes 4dating i no that and respect that she will come 2 me because thats what we do as mother and daughter, we have a bond 4 her as well as all my children.



answers from Sacramento on

L., I am a mom of 5 as well, all teenagers now. I believe you are doing the right thing by going with them. My son has dated and the girl's mother did the same thing you are. He could go over there but she couldn't come to our house unless the mom knew I was home (we have same moral values). I respected that. It is the girl's parent's responsibility to protect their daughter - no one else will. You are well within your rights to do whatever it takes to keep her safe. She is only 15 and if she's going out with a sexually active teen, she is at risk, no matter how much you trust her! My 17 year old daughter hasn't dated yet because she knows we'll do just what you are! Stick to your guns and keep her safe. If there are older teens in your house that you trust completely, you could have them go with her the next time (I'd go this time to see how they are together). At 15 I'd never let her go with him alone. I am very conservative in my thinking but its our job as parents to protect. If your friend seems to not understand, explain that you'd do this with any boy your daughter goes out with and that you're just overprotective or something like that. Hope this helps. Good luck with it and stick to your guns!



answers from Seattle on

In my opinion you are already doing everything that you need to do. Most girls that choose to have sex are girls that don't get enough attention from their parents so they go looking for it from somewhere else. At the same time she does need to have the oppurtunity to have the whole dating experiance so that once she is out of your home she knows what to expect out of a guy and doesn't get herself into a bad situation. If you just make sure that all her dates are in public places and that the two of them aren't really alone then you really shouldn't have anything to worry about. If things progress to where they want to have a little privacy I would recommend letting them have it in the living room, or kitchen or such.... Mainly keep talking to her about sex and her relationships and let her know that you don't think teenage sex is good and explain why. Teens constantly have to be reminded of things like that... Good Luck



answers from Las Vegas on

Do you have certain rules about dating, such as the age when dating is allowed? It is a lot easier to say I'm sorry, I am not allowed to date until I am 16, but I will be looking forward to your call then. In the meantime, my family is going out to miniature golf or bowl this weekend, would you like to join us?
It sounds as though your family has a very good moral standing, I can't believe the boy is no longer a virgin at 15!!
Also, teenage girls will do what they will do if they feel that their parents don't trust them. Be sure that your relationship with you daughter is a very open one. She needs for you to teach her these values and then respect the fact that you trust her to make the right choices.
I would also role play with her and give her a few example approaches to situations she might encounter. Being a parent of a teenager in todays world can be very trying I'm sure, but if it's so hard to be the parent, imagine what it's like to be a teen!
Good Luck L.!
Teen parent communication is so important!



answers from Nashville on

Hello L.,
I am almost 20 years old and think I might have some insight on the situation. I myself have a mother who sat me down at 10, 12, and 14 and told me about sex and the rules about sex. Basically the deal was that when I felt I was ready for sex she wanted me to come talk to her about it and we could decide together what measures to take, basically if I was 16 she would get me the proper protection, but if I was younger she would discourage it until I was 16. She made this deal because my mom started having sex at 16 and had to go to planned parenthood by herself because she couldn't tell her mom about it. I am now almost 20 and still haven't had sex, but we still talk about it and other topics openly. Also I know a little about the other side. Almost all of my friends in h.s. where having sex and sneaking around behind their parents backs to do it. I had a friend who knew that her mom would not accept her having sex because of her religion and had never given her the sex talk. Through our 2 year long friendship, she had 3 sexual intercourse partners and many other partners she "hooked up" with. She also thought she was pregnant 3 times because she didn't always use protection. From what I have read about your story, it seems you have nothing to worry about with your daughter. Since her and the boy are both 15 and don't drive I think suggesting they hang out at your home is fine but don't watch over them. If they want to go hang out in her room let them, but ask them to leave the door open. I believe that since my friends were stifled by their parents they felt they needed to lie and sneak around, don't do that to your daughter. I believe you need to let her explore her sexual side a little bit. Let me explain what this means, if you tell her she can't kiss or date this boy at all she is going to rebel and do far more than that, she needs a little wiggle room to figure it out for herself. I know some of what I am saying might blow your mind, but my mom let me figure these things out on my own, w/ still being able to come to her when I needed. Yes I have explored, but all along through all the peer pressure I have stayed true to myself and I'm sure your daughter will too. Good luck!



answers from San Diego on

To me you sound like a wanderful mom who has taught her kids well. I'm gonna admit I'm young I'm only 22 years old and my mom taught me that sex is something special and should be kept as long as possible and that when you lose your virginity that it should be with someone you love and are either married to or tend to maybe even marry. Anyway my first date I was nervous and no my parent's were not supervising. Me and my mom didn't have the close relationship that it seems you and your daughter have. But I still respected what my mom said. I didn't lose my virginity tell I married my husband at age 19. The moral is you taught her well and that she needs to respect herself enough to know not to give in to what a boy want's. I think that if you let her date this boy he's either going to A) Respect her wishes not to have sex and it might turn into a good relationship or B) He will get tired of not getting what he wants and lose interest. You need to trust that you taught your daughter well and that if she does think about having sex she can come to you at that time.



answers from Las Vegas on

When my son asked out a girl for the first time, also at 15, they went to the movies and I sat 3 rows behind them, and reassured the young ladies parents that I will be within eye shot at all times. This happened for several dates untill I was sure of the non-sexual relationship.

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