Good Morning Heather. I would just like to tell you that I believe you are doing the right thing. And YES, if you are consistent with the disciplinary action you are currently taking all should work out in your favor. Patience of course is the Key ingredient. I have a two yr old and I would do the same. I especially encourage the idea of leaving because of the behavior. When they see that it reaps no reward as they age they simply do begin to understand. If you have a higher power I would also encourage you to ask for guidance through prayer. My sister had the same issue with her 2 yr old and fortunately he has retired that behavior, which she used prayer to get herself through. Trust your technique and trust your instincts. You are the leader and teacher. Your patience and ability to speak to your baby at his level will bring you results. I wish you the best of luck and pray you will feel confident in this challenge. Remember, these things take time and our little ones go through stages just like us........SMILE and GOD BLESS!!!