Hi Gina,
In my opinion, I would go on and move her to her own room. It's normal that is she active during her sleep like that. We moved our son to his own room when he was 4 months old, as soon as he started sleeping all the way through the nights. We would go check on him periodically and he would be in different positions and all over the place but he was always fine. I really don't think you have anything to worry about. In the long run, she's going to be moving around and making noises while she sleeps and it's waking you up unnecessarily and you are losing valuable sleep when you don't have to be. She might bonk her head a few times during the night while she's moving around but she'll be fine in the long run.
Just think, the crib she is in right now is smaller than her full size crib. She may be outgrowing the crib she's in and will sleep better once she is in a larger space.
Make the move, you'll be thankful! :-) Good luck!