Hi C.,
I know it's quite an adjustment- going from being really busy OUTSIDE of the home, to being home. But try see this for what it really is-- a wonderful opportunity! Your three year old will be 5 and going to school all day in only 2 short years! In 2 years- he'll be gone at school only 1 HOUR LESS than the average work day of a grown adult!!!
These are the last two years you'll REALLY get to be with him.
So enjoy it while you can! Because once that time is gone, it's gone, and there's no going back.
Once all three kids are in school, you'll have all day to do whatever you want -- go to school, work- or a even little of both.
As far as the money goes-- if you guys are financially set in such a way that you don't even HAVE to work, then I'm not sure I understand where the problem lies. Your husband's paycheck is to support the family. You're the female head of the family-- it's your money too. And think of it this way--
if you WERE working outside of the home, you'd be paying some other woman to be taking care of your kids. YOU'RE taking care of your kids. You don't get "paid" for that per se, anymore than your husband gets "paid" to mow the lawn or work on the car. But you ARE working-- you're doing the same work that a daycare would be doing, only you can do it a million times better than some stranger who doesn't love him the way you do, doesn't have any personal investment in your him,is only doing it for the paycheck, and is also having to keep up after 15 other kids. So you are working- it's the most crucial work on the face of the earth. You're not getting a paycheck for it- but what you're doing for your family within the walls of your own home, is far more important than anything you could do outside of it.
Welcome to the area!! I think you'll love it once you adjust!