Do not worry! Since he just got his first tooth, he is only now just starting to be ready for solid foods! There is a biochemical response when those first teeth come in that sends a message to the brain that the body is ready to start digesting solid foods. The brain tells the stomach to begin making the acids that help process solids. Most babies get teeth earlier, so the signal is sent to the brain about when mom tries to feed solids for the first time or soon after. I would not stress about this! It does not reflect other developmental changes!
My son got 2 teeth at 9 mos (about when he started taking to solids, though I did start trying at 7 mos but did not rush as he wasn't into it and seemed very happy with the breast), and this was about a week AFTER he learned to walk. All kids are different! Mine did like cheerios instead of pureed foods because he could pick them up and feed himself.
Along the same lines, you might want to wait a while before introducing meats. Not that you could since he will need some time to get used to solids, but wait until he gets molars before offering meat. The same thing happens when a baby gets molars, the brain sends a signal that the body can begin processing meat. And that doesn't mean he goes straight into biting a chicken leg, just that now he could process the enzimes in meat if he chewed it up and swallowed it (back teeth are for chewing meat, we are carnivores!).
Too many people are in a hurry to get their kids to eat solids. It's really not that big of a deal! Follow his cues and in the beginning make sure you puree the fruits and veggies into a very fine paste. Hang in there, he'll get there, they all do!