Need a Sitter/ Home Child Care

Updated on August 18, 2008
B.S. asks from Indianapolis, IN
5 answers

Im looking for a babysitter/ or home child care for my 13 month old son.
I prefer it to be at someones house verses a day care. He has never been to a day care and is a bit of a mommy's boy. But Im starting a new job and he needs a sitter.

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answers from Indianapolis on

Good Evening! I saw your post on here and thought I would send you my information. I have an in-home daycare that I have been running for the past two years. I am a mother of 4 children and wife. I am not sure where you are located, but here is my info anyway.

Location: Southwest Side of Indy, Epler inbetween Bluff & Harding
Hours: Mon - Fri 6:30am - 5:30pm
Rates: $100 per week for full time
I provide: Breakfast, Lunch & Snacks (fruits & veggies served daily)
Themed Days of the week (movie monday, pajama friday, etc.)
Scheduled Naps
Potty Training
Fun Educational Learning Activities, Singing, Dancing, etc.
Loving & Happy Environment

If interested please feel free to contact me at

Thank You!



answers from Indianapolis on

I was wondering where you live? And what days and hours are you looking for? Thanks :)



answers from Indianapolis on


I am a stay-at-home mom with daycare experience. Please let me know if you are still in need of daycare. I live on the west side between Avon and Plainfield.




answers from Indianapolis on

Hello! Have you found childcare yet? If not, I would be interested in helping you!




answers from Indianapolis on

Where do you live? Do you want to take your little one to someone else's home, or would you be willing to allow the sitter to come to your home?

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