I had morning/all day sickness pretty bad, so I tried many, many things. Here's my list: Most effective- smelling cut lemons or peppermint oil aromatherapy, I have also heard smelling handiwipes works for some. For heartburn, papya tabs, tums, chewing gum, don't lay down right after a meal, sleep sitting up a bit. Other things to try for nausea: frequent, high protein snacks, ginger anything, mint tea, lemonade or sour lemon candy, pretzels, saltines, or other simple carb plus salt, hard candy of any flavor that you can handle, acupressure massages, ice pack on the back of your neck, ice chips. Sorry you are dealing with this, constant nausea is the WORST. I always say I would do labor twice happily if I could avoid the 6 months of morning sickness.