Hello T.,
How are you? I read your request and it caught my attention, mainly because I'm constantly on the Internet responding to peoples' requests for digestive complaints and disorders. I work for a Company Online that sells the Colonix Cleanse and Detox Program and my testimony is submitted on the Site, if you would like to read it, but I must warn you! The pictures are really gross and if you don't have a weak stomach, then by all means check it out! When you click on this link, look at the top of the page and click on "Picture Gallery", then scroll down a little ways and you will find my pic and my testimony....
As you will read on the Site, Constipation can be caused by a number of things and I won't go into a lot of details here, but research the Site and you will find a lot more people that have the same problems that you have. For me, this cleanse was a God Send and that's why I share my amazing story. God chose me for this task, to get the word out and let people know that there is help and there is hope!
We must get back to the fruit of the land, which is Herbs and once we start to take care of our bodies and follow God's instructions and plan for our lives, then we will live happy, healthy, complete and whole lives. I have tried other Cleanses on the market and nothing I've tried compares to the Colonix Program, so before you waste your money and time, you might want to try this revolutionary product. Once all of the crud is cleaned out of your colon, body and system, you will feel like a brand new person and you will become more regular. Please write back and let me know what you decide. Take care and be Blessed!