I would suggest seeing a Chiropractor. Being one myselft, I am a big fan:) We get ear infectiions when fluid cannot naturally drain downward from our sinus cavities. This can be caused from your eustation tube being out of its normal angle (from a cervical misalignment), from your cervical lymph nodes not draining and some others. Whatever the cause, chiropractic can help by taking the abnormal pressure off of the middle ear canal and in return, it drains as it should. Sometimes, you will feel relief right away, or it may take a day or two. My daughter had a double ear infection at only 9 months. She saw her chiro for 3 days in a row and it was completely gone! I'm not in practice right now but I have a great friend in North Charleston that could help. Let me know if you would like her name. Best of luck to you!
also.. Make sure to get a lot of probiotics in, this will help replace the good bacteria lost with the antibiotic:)