Las Colinas has a very high c-section rate, as do a lot of the hospitals in DFW.
The women that I've worked with (and after having my own NCB) who have had natural childbirths that they are thrilled with and who had lots of support are women who birth outside of a hospital. There are some who have wonderful natural births in a hospital, you just have to be ready to fight for it. Hire a doula, arm yourself with information, and let your wishes be known. The rooms can be the biggest, nicest, most perfect rooms, the food can be the best tasting and most appetizing, but if you don't have the support during your labor and delivery that you need, then none of that will matter, and your chances of having a natural childbirth drop dramatically. I suggest reading "The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth" by Henci Goer - it will give you information on choosing a care provider and on choosing a birthing location, and gives you lots of questions to ask your care provider before selecting them so that you'll know if they'll really support you or not. The book also gives great information on natural childbirth.
If you need any other information sources, or a doula :-) I would be more than happy to help you!