The honey has to be from local they are making it from the plants local to your area that she may be allergic to...if you by honey from another part of the country it will not do much good.
My son has been taking zyrtec everyday for the past year...well while school is in session, he goes off it over the summer. Heat kills his allergens and we take care of them in our house...but the classroom is full of them.
He has not had one cold/moves into sinus infection/starts the wheezing/triggers the asthma/bronchitis/pneumonia...we move into the doctor's office for a week episode sense. He hasn't even gotten ONE cold.
I wasn't thrilled about him being on medication everyday...but I thought I would try it considering he missed at least one week of school every month last year until we found out his allergy got it out of our house and started treatment for the times he is exposed at school. His big trigger is dust mites and carpeted classrooms are full of them as they don't treat for them they just stir them up every time they vacuum the floors.
If she isn't getting better naturally you might try the zyrtec for a while and see if it helps her at all...I buy the generic at Costco.