No, not a family. America is too sexualized about that stuff but realistically it's probably for the best with all the self-entitled rapists and pedos... they have them everywhere in the world.
If they were laughing they probably thought it was cute.
I agree with V M, I wouldn't want to explain that to my toddler girl. It's not fair that I have to be put on the spot. And that is my belief, she doesn't have a dad or brother so no, she doesn't know the difference except the shirt thing b/c the neighbor boys have their shirts off and she won't. So it's not fair to HAVE to teach her when I don't feel she's ready or will understand in a positive way, as in not wanting to investigate every child's pants out of curiousity.
I agree with Laura U. I'm not trying to punish my child by keeping clothes on her outside, but I don't want some perv takin pics of my child and jacking off to them, disgusting. I don't care about him/her and their God, I am not going to enable that.
lol 8kidsdad, it shouldn't be either extreme. You shouldn't lock your kids up and you shouldn't have em run around naked. both extremes. Just have a median of putting on a swimsuit and keeping an eye out for weirdos. Sheesh lol.