I'd give it a try! Isn't it amazing how they get their toes into their mouths! My 28 yr old son can still put his toes on his nose, but he doesn't bite his nails.
My 2 year old has a real problem with biting her finger nails, even her toe nails. Has anyone tried nail biting polish? I would love any advice!
I'd give it a try! Isn't it amazing how they get their toes into their mouths! My 28 yr old son can still put his toes on his nose, but he doesn't bite his nails.
There is a polish called "Bite It". It is a yellow color. It tastes really bad and doesn't come off unless you use polish remover or it wears off in a few days or week. It will just taste really bitter when she puts her nail in her mouth. I, too, was/am a nail biter and the stuff really works. You can get it at CVS, I think.....or definitely on-line.
Good luck.
I used it to stop a 3 year old thumb sucker. I found that painting it on while she was asleep worked best because she had no clue where the yucky taste came from.
My now 5-year-old also did this, but stopped it as suddenly as she started. I also have a friend with a son who did the same thing, so hopefully your daughter will stop on her own.