My Two Year Old Will Not Keep Her Diaper On!!

Updated on September 04, 2006
R.C. asks from Roanoke, TX
6 answers

My two year old refuses to potty train, but when she pees or poops in her diaper she take it off and stuff goes everywhere. Is this a sign that she is ready to potty train and if so how, I have tried everything to train her but she will not go in her big girl potty. Thank you

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answers from Dallas on

You can also try putting the diaper on backwards, which makes it harder to take off. Put her in a onesie with snaps, and I know plenty of people who used a very strong tape to keep their kids from taking it off.

You can start explaining to her that if she lets you know before she need to go then you'll take her to the potty and she won't be uncomfortable.

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answers from Dallas on

My son had the same problem,he too was not ready to potty train and showed no interest. In the meantime just so I don't have to worry about the stuff getting everywhere I just put him in overalls or something he can't get out of so at least I don't have to worry anymore about a dirty carpet! Also I put him in long zip up pj's at night. They have to be ready for potty traing according to my doctor they are ready when they start doing this, but if they are not intersted theres nothing you can do except get them used to sitting on the toliet.



answers from Dallas on

I definitely sounds like she is ready to potty train. My son had anxiety about the big potty so I used the potty training toilet you can purchase anywhere. I got the one that when he peed stars appeared and the potty and this amused him. I would also recommend buying a storybook regarding toilet training. I know you can get them at Toys R Us so you can sit and help her to understand what is expected. I would also encourage her to watch you as you "potty" so sees there is nothing to fear. I would also let her go to the store with you and purchase a package of big girl panties that she can wear once she goes to the potty as a reward. To help you with the problem of taking off the diaper and making a mess I would just make sure to keep some sort of pants/bottoms on her so she can't remove the soiled diaper. Good luck and hopefully you will be free of diapers soon!



answers from Dallas on

If she's refusing to potty train, it's probably best to give it a rest. The other moms' ideas about onesies, overalls or a backwards diaper should help to keep her diaper on. You might also go ahead and get pull-ups. They are a little harder to get off. If she can master getting a pull-up off and on, she's likely physically ready to potty train, but she also has to be cognitively ready. Age 2 1/2 is a much better age to start. We started our daughter at age 2 and went round and round for 6 months. Then, magically, at 2 1/2 something clicked and she was potty trained. I think I would have saved my self a lot of trouble if I'd waited! Take the potty away for a month. When you bring it back, don't say a word about it. Let her play with it, sit on it, drag it around the house, etc. When you get ready to re-introduce the idea, you can make sitting on the potty before bath time part of her evening routine.



answers from Dallas on

Yep, backwards diapers work very well, as does a backwards onesie!! Little Houdini's can't figure both of them out without mom catching them in the act! :)

Rewards, like a sticker chart with a prize for her successes worked for us. Everytime she went she got a sugar-free gummy bear and she got to put a sticker on her chart that was on the fridge. Every week she got a little prize (dollar stores are great for picking up little girly things) and eventually it was every two weeks etc until she was trained. She's almost 4 and she still talks about her sticker chart for going on the potty!!



answers from Dallas on

Hi, my name is S. and I have 3 girls, ages 5, 4, & 2. My 2 did the EXACT same thing every time that she would poop she would take her diaper every time she went poop. What I did was invest in some real panties, so she would be a "big girl". We are still in the process of potty training, and she does still go in her panties some times, but she is off to a good start. So its worth a try.

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