I found this calculator online. I have no idea how accurate it is, and it starts at age 3, but you can enter the height and weight. The breakfast he eats probably has about 300-400 calories.
My little brother always ate "good" Basically, he's been eating three solid meals a day plus snacks for the last 12 years, and he is overweight. I don't think it was good for him to eat as much food as an adult as a small child, but he did. Now it is so hard for him, and my mother has to pay so much attention to what he eats to make sure he does not overdo it. So, while she didn't have to worry about it at all when he was a toddler, now she does. I don't stress too much about what my 2 year old eats. For her, grapes, a few goldfish, and a couple slices of cheese is lunch. I think as long as they eat, and eat from the different food groups, they'll be okay.
Since he won't eat veggies, maybe a vitamin would help, but I would definitely ask the pedi about it first. You could try some of those recipes where they "hide" the veggies. I've never done it, but some people swear by it.