Sounds like the kids smart. He is thinking since he was gone somebody could have been at the house. Leaving that house empty for so long has creeped this little guy out. You should say that grandma, grandpa, uncle or friend was staying at the house and you forgot to tell him that. Or tell him Angels or Special Angels stay at the house whenever a family leaves for a special vacation! I don't know if this is good advice but seems like the kid is smart! I cannot wait to hear the replies for I am sure they will be more helpful but I just had to respond to you because my heart goes out to this little guy! Bless his heart. I wish I could give him a hug, stuff animal and an angel pin and a candle to light for him! Good luck and God Bless! I will definetaly being praying for him and for his guardian angel to give him peace of mind and soul. Thank God this is just a short phase. Be patient!