I hate to say it - but you are the mom and if nutrition is important to you, then you need to give her the option of only nutritious foods. i know it's hard when you are in a hurry and none of us are perfect but try stocking your kitchen with healthy foods only and stock fast healthy options. try to buy non-hydroginated (sp?) foods as well. check out dr. sears' info on nurtition. maybe they have a copy at the library you can check out? check out cook books for kids like anabel karmel and i'm sure there are others. anabel karmal has a website so you can google that. mothering.com has a forum on nutrition. and don't give your baby juice - it's totally not needed. both our dentist and pediatrician gave us this advice warning that juice only increases the taste for sweet drinks and that water and milk should be the only drinks - they will get to drink sweet drinks when they are older but for now, stick to water, milk, and fresh foods. i'm kind of nutrition nut-head and i'm constantly going head-to-head with my MIL because she constantly wants to give my son french fries and diet soda... but you just need to stick to your guns. you'll be glad that you did later on... good luck!