Hi A.,
Honestly the first question I would ask would be what time are you taking your temperature? From your additional response, I see you said in the morning, but exactly when.....right when you wake up (like they do for charting ovulation) or later after you've been up for a while? I'm an Natural Family Planning (fertility awarness) teacher and it's natural for a woman's basal body temperature (waking temperature) to be lower than normal body temperature. The body's temp naturally lowers when at rest and it's this temp (basal body temp) that people who practice NFP take to chart their cycles (for ovulation etc.). The body's temperature will rise about a tenth of a degree for each half hour you're awake until it's at normal body temperature (which obviously can vary from person to person but is generally around 98.6 for most). So if you're taking it right when you wake up, having lower than 98.6 normal body temperatures is completely natural and normal....so no worries there. As an aside...a woman's basal body temp will rise about 4/10th after ovulation has occurred (caused by an increase in the hormone progesterone in the woman's cycle) so that's what NFPers are looking for when they chart temperatures.
Anyhow, the key for me when I review women's cycle charts is looking at the range of temps the woman is experiencing....both on the low end (pre-ovulation) and high end (post-ovulation). Like some have mentioned, extremely low temps in the pre-ovulation "low" temp part of the cycle (generally from the start of your cycle or period to ovulation), can be a sign of a thyroid problem. So if you have been taking your temps when waking and you've been having 95.4-96.7, then those are on the lower side from what I normally see. I wouldn't necessarily jump to the conclusion that you have a thyroid problem just yet though, but if the problem continues cycle to cycle and you notice your waking temp remaining in such a low range all the time, then I'd definitely go get it checked to make sure. But if it's just one cycle and just for a short period of time, I wouldn't worry too much yet.....again just if it becomes chronic.
Well hope that helped!