MY Son Is 3 and All He Does Is Cry

Updated on November 06, 2006
K.M. asks from Minneapolis, MN
7 answers

i need help with my 3 year old boy all he does is cry when you tell him to do something and its not for 15min its for hours! and you ask him whats wrong and all he does is stare at you or cry and he also licks his hands and yells all the time i need help

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So What Happened?

thanks eveyone for ur in put i am going to try everything!! and lets hope this works! i a just dont know even more its not that i dont love him either its just i get soo tired i have a 4 year old that is kind of lik ehim but she is getting out of that and i also have a 6mo old too so its hard for me to stick with one child and work on them when i am a single mom

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answers from Minneapolis on

I too think you should take your son to the pediatrician and you may also want to get the city you live in involved. If you live in Mpls you can call 348-tots. There may be more going on there than just the terrible 2's/3's. Try to be patient with him, it sounds like he is in a lot of pain emotionally. I feel for you, it's so hard to hear a child cry and not be able to do anything or at least not know what to do to help.



answers from Minneapolis on

I swear my daughter didn't have terrible two's she had terrible 3's... My daughter is now 5 and when she try's to cry or throw a fit to get out of something or because she doesn't get her own way I tell her if your gonna cry go upstairs to your room and cry I'm not gonna listen to it. That works well at 3 though I usually had to carry her into her room over and over again and be persistant. I'm really strict I will not listent to whining, crying, or tantrums unless she is physically hurt. I will only deal with her if she calms down and uses her words to talk. I just say use your words I don't understand screming or whatever and it works well for me. At 3 I thought this is never gonna work and it was worse now at 5 I rarely have to remind her not to act like this. So it gets better.



answers from Duluth on

I agree with the teacher. definetly take him in. im not a doctor to diagnose but it sounds to me he isnt able to communicate to you the way he wants. Also a sign of that is Autism. i know it sounds bad but thats what it sounds like. I would look up autism at a good website and read about it to and bring that with you to the dr. does he talk at all yet? I feel for you hon. its not fun my girlfriends daughter is doing some of those same things and she also is frustrated. I wish you luck. but before your appt. look up Autism on the net. it might or might not be that. it dont hurt to look though. good luck J. in Proctor



answers from Green Bay on

From the time our second son was three weeks old all he did was cry (no other sounds at all just tons of crying). We had no idea what was wrong and thought he just had colic. At the age of two his pediatrition asked us what sentences he was saying. We said that he had no words what so ever. We always thought his older brother was just doing all of the talking for him. Well, we had him evaluated by the birth to three program and they discoverd he had a severe speech delay and many sensory issues (he has a thing with water, he does not lick his hands but he does like to wash them an aweful lot) he was evalutated and started getting help (they said he had markers of autism but was not autistic) he is now four and still gets help in the public school system and has come so far that most people can understand him. One of the major things with the crying is that he craved deep pressure input. He would drive trucks around on the floor with his head pressed against the floor to sooth himself. Noises and everything from his shirt tag to his shoelaces not being correct bothered him. Looking back we see it all now but had no idea that there was anything wrong. I really think that taking him to his pediatrition and seeing if they think he needs to be evalutated is the best thing. It is worth it. I also know that our insurance did not and does not cover any of it but there are a lot of state programs out there for people. Why not get him evaluated...they will either say what is wrong and start helping or tell you that this too shall pass.
Take care,



answers from Madison on

Hi K.-
I am a teacher. I would take my son in to see your pediatrician or family physician and describe in detail the behaviors he exhibits. I'm concerned about the handlicking part of what he does, and it sounds like he's unsure of how to follow directions or can't communicate his needs with you verbally. Remember that he's just a little boy and that he's not doing this to anger you or be mean. He's clearly frustrated. Be extra compassionate and warm. A doctor should be able to help. Good Luck!



answers from Minneapolis on

I don't have actual experience, my son's only One. But my mom used to put my brother in his room when he'd throw fits. She'd say, "I love you, but if you want to throw a fit you can do it in here. You can come out when you're done." I guess it worked for her. Just an idea.



answers from Wausau on

i don't think the boy is doing this to be mean. he is far to young to understand malice or ill will. he is old enuff to understand pain. i have two suggestions. 1. when this happens, at least for the first few times, gather him up in your arms,thak him some place un simulating like the garage. reassure him that your roll in life is to make sure that he is happy and healthy and that you can see that he is hurting. work with him on the level or problem solving the feelings not the disrespectfull and hurtfull nature of his actions. I am the mother of an ebd kid who has several learning disorder. I deal with out burts due to inexperence and fustration on a daily basis. The second is this: always rule out something medical that way you can deal with this for what it is, whatever it turns out to be. This could be a behaioral disturbance due to his diet to low grade (and difficult to diagnose) autism, to pediatric schizophrenia ... it happens it breaks my heart to see it but it happens. as a mothe i am sure you know that when dealing with the young it is always better to deal with the problem on thier level. seems to me that you need to determine his level.

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