My daughter was on four medications, missing 4 to 8 weeks a year because of asthma and bronchitis problems and had severe eczema. All my doctors would do is recommend more breathing treatments, antibiotics, and so on.
We've been dealing with it since she was an infant, at 18 months I insisted that she be tested for food allergies and they did the scratch test, finding eggs, soy, corn being the food allergies and several environmental ones. I also stopped ALL vaccines/shots at that time because I knew that they were 'brewed /cooked' in egg yolks. Saved my daughter's life I do believe.
She continued to be very sick but it wasn't a daily occurrence but it was still severe enough for the above. I took the bull by the horns when she was 10 - having her futher food tested and they found it was 21 foods, not 3. Removed them cold turkey. The immediate problems of coughs and ear infections went away. Started implementing supplements and adamant about keeping her diet 'clean' of offenders, she has been allergy and asthma free and off all medications for quite a while now.
Shots - If you take the time to read the package inserts, the ingredients contain all of the things that she is allergic to. They also contain a lot of things that should not be in a child's body. Start with:
Healing the New Childhood Epidemics: Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies: The Groundbreaking Program for the 4-A Disorders, by Dr. Kenneth Bock
The Vaccine Book, by Dr. Robert Sears
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Childhood Vaccinations, by Dr. Stephanie Cave
Evidence of Harm, by David Kirby
VERY IMPORTANT - Vitamin D3 has been found to be great for asthmatics!!! For the little ones that can't swollow a pill, there is liquid form but do know the pills are very small. For my kids, they take 2,000 mg to 4,000 mg a day, depending on the amount of sunshine they get. It is hard to take too much as it does leave the body quickly. I personally take 10,000 mg to 15,000 a day because I know what my levels are and that I need to.
Omega 3s - get a good DHA fish oil, preferably made from the small fish.
Vitamin C