Why are you waiting to call until the morning, call the 24 hour nurse advice line NOW.
My 2.5 year old has a pretty nasty canker sore on his tongue and doesn't want to eat or drink anything. He also has a yeast infection in his diaper area. I have some leftover prescription cream called Nystatin from his last yeast infection which was about 6 months ago. I've been using that until I take him to the Dr. In addition to the canker sore and rash he also has one blister next to his big toe. I'm not sure if all of these symptoms are related or not. I'm going to call in the morning and take him to the Dr but I'm so worried I can't sleep. Does anyone know what he might have?
Why are you waiting to call until the morning, call the 24 hour nurse advice line NOW.
i don't know.
i'm not a doctor.
How long has this been going on?
Did you call the Dr? Only your Dr can properly diagnosis your child.
This is a parenting site for support but we are not Dr's and can't diagnise your child.
As for any old RX... I would not use it. You don't know what the exact diagnosis is so why would you treat him with old, possibly expired medicine?
Call your Dr!! Good luck.
Welcome to mamamepdia.
When is your doctor's appointment for your son??
Your doctor needs to evaluate him and diagnose. It could be many things. Don't use the internet to diagnose. DO NOT use left over prescription meds if you do NOT know what it is.
Does he have a fever?
Does he have any blisters in his mouth?
It could be MANY THINGS. Please see your pediatrician for a proper diagnosis.
The only person who can help you diagnose your son and treat him is your doctor. We can only speculate - that will cause you more stress in the long run.
Take him to a doctor.
Blister on his foot makes it sound like hand foot mouth disease.
Try to breathe. Canker sores and yeast infections are absolutely no fun, but they aren't dangerous. A 2.5 year old can easily go all day and all night without eating - it's really okay and nothing horrible will happen. If you can get him to drink water, that's fine. Absolutely fine!
Hard to say what the toe blister is - that will need to be eye-balled by the doctor. Same with the rash - that's such a general symptom of so many different things. If he hasn't eaten something really new, if he hasn't taken a new medication, if his breathing is okay, then he's not having a major allergic reaction to something.
If he's drinking water, peeing, has a temp below 101, has eyes that are focusing, and is relatively coherent (besides being cranky), I'm sure he's not in danger. Get some sleep so you are safe to drive him to the doctor - otherwise, an exhausted and stressed mom is his greatest risk.
If you really cannot manage, then call the pediatrician's office now, and you will get routed to the pedi or the answering service or the on-call doctor. That's what they are there for - use the service!!
Only a doctor can tell you for sure. But, if there is a mouth sore and blisters on his feet it could be hand, foot, and mouth disease. Both of my kids had it. My daughter was still nursing at the time and quit cold turkey because of the sores in her mouth. She also had blisters in her diaper area that were very painful. It isn't dangerous, just uncomfortable. Sometimes it comes with a fever.
Hopefully by now you have gotten a hold of your doctor and made an appointment. If you worrying a lot,nowadays there are a lot of walk 'clinics' for example Walgreens has some, perhaps even your own hospital where you can go right in for a modest fee and see a nurse practitioner who is allowed to write prescriptions. Poor little guy. Let us know what's happening.