Does the doctor think she can productively spend her life on antihistimines?
I would find an integrative medicine MD -I can help you find one if you like, I know many - and have her tested for food INTOLERANCES, as well as allergies. That would be one thing that often triggers inflammation. An integrative MD will find the ROOT cause of her migraines, and help you fix that. Sounds like you could use that too!
It worked for me. I suffered SEVERE, debillitating migraines for years. Now I get, maybe one per year.
What worked for me that you can try on your own:
I gave up all artificial sweeteners and MSG and all derivatives of such things - they are poisons for the neurological system. Too much trouble? NO WAY. I feel a million times better - I won't touch that stuff. I eat simple real food, no processed stuff.
Correcting magnesium deficiency. I would never tell anyone to take a supplement, but I do take magnesium every day. Epsom salt baths are a great easy way to try this. My son hasn't gotten a headache since he started these and he too was getting wakened with headaches at the age of 4.
Chiropractic adjustments once a month to keep pressure off the nerves.
Massage Therapy every 2-3 weeks keeps the muscles in the neck loosened up, creates healing changes in your body and mind.
Meditation and Yoga
Getting enough sleep, eating every 3-4 hours.
Anything I can give you more info on or send you to someone who knows about it, or websites for more info, please let me know. Life with migraines is a nightmare and no one should have to live that way. I lost too much time from migraines and made many lifestyle changes, one little baby step at a time, to not suffer anymore and it has been worth it a million times over. Very few MD's are adept at helping with this - you are going to have to do some research and be your daughter's advocate.