This is the worst! My son got a horrible flu when he was about 8 months old and not only are they miserable, but you are entirely helpless!
Cuddle him- if he wants to sleep on your lap all day, let him! Nothing is more important right now. I know that when JD was sick, he just wanted to be held. I slept in the guest room with him snuggled in- he woke up every two hours thirsty and that was really the only time he would drink so we had a cooler of bottles next to the bed.
Warm baths helped- baby massages-
For the eating, my pediatrician was careful to point out that as long as he kept having wet diapers, eating was not essential until he was feeling better. I will also warn you that diarrhea really messes with their little bellies! My son had to be on soy formula for a month after the flu b/c he couldn't digest the milk. Just take one day at a time and call your doctor often- that's what they are there for!!
Good luck and I hope he feels better soon!