Sorry about your situation. That sounds really frustrating, but there are lactation specialists and consultants who can help. You may have a local La Leche League or your local hospital might have a free breastfeeding support group. I'm in Hayward and there is one here that is run by a very helpful lactation consultant. Maybe you could give her a call or send a message. Her name is Sylvia Boyd and this is her site:
So, as a mom who vowed to breastfeed as long as possible, but not until she gets her driver's license(ha ha ha!), and had a whole bunch of difficulties, including, at times, not feeling like she got enough, here's my advice:
The Fenugreek is a good idea. Keep putting her back on your breast. Her continued sucking is the only way to communicate to your body that more milk is needed. Also, plenty of skin to skin contact. I have heard of bottle feeding to support breastfeeding, but that probably involves pumped milk. I guess there's a point at which giving her formula will have to happen, at least until you re-establish your supply, but always nurse her first. Make sure you are drinking plenty of fluids, nutrition, milk, sleeping enough. I don't think it's too late to recover your milk, but I'm not an expert. Please try contacting Sylvia.
As far as pumping/expressing, I pumped for the first 3 months and mine wouldn't take a bottle at all, so I stopped pumping for a couple of weeks because there was such a huge back up of frozen milk in my freezer. Then, when I tried going back to pumping, I suddenly couldn't pump out much at all, but I knew there was still plenty of milk, but only the baby could get it out, not the pump. I know there was lots of milk because I nursed exclusively until 6 months and then until after age 2 and it was okay despite some worries, so best of luck to you and your little one!