I think that whomever wants another baby wins. If the shoe were on the other foot, so to speak, you'd be ready to divorce him! There is ALWAYS enough room and love in a family for another child, and somehow, the money takes care of itself. Babies are only little for a little while- think of the whole rest of your lives together. Clearly (I looked at your website-soooo cool!!), you are a mom who loves her children- you'll be great with 2 OR 3! I am a mom of 1 who wants another and we've been around and around (both of us) about how much it'll cost- financially and emotionally- for us to have another. Knowing what I know about myself-and transposing that to your husband- it's not fair if 'no more kids' wins. There's nothing that can make up for that - not enough jewels in the world makes up for what another child brings to a family. Just my opinion- good luck traveling down whatever road you and your family choose!