Ok I went to this website http://www.fixya.com/support/t460261-clean_ligh_blinking
and this is what i found out,
youll need to remove the bottom acess panel of d/w there should be an extensive trouble shooting guide tapedto back of panel in a sleeve, lotsa good stuff in there. depending on buttons its going to repuire pushing a sequence. "
sani-rinse---heated dry--sani rinse--heated dry.
it will enter a diag mode "all lights will light up" wait a few secs and then cancel cycle .. if happens a again or with frequency, then call a servicer, you have a problem, first time chaulk up to a fluke.
there are several other threads as well about various problems with your type of dishwasher and how to fix them, hopefuly something on there works for you. good luck.