Lots of children go through this phase...for various reasons. Most grow out of it; however, some do not. Some children have hypersensitive nervous systems that are overly sensitive to touch. Things we typically don't think about, like tags in clothes, seams touching the skin, or even just the fabric lying on the skin, are almost unbearable for them. I wouldn't be too concerned, unless you have noticed other things about your daughter. Is she a picky eater? Does she resist bathing/shampooing? Does she dislike being held? Does she play apppriately on playground equipment or with toys that are ok for her age? These are just a few things to consider. Especially if you have other concerns about her, one thing that you may want to think about is having an occupational therapy evaluation completed to find out more information about her sensory integration skills. If there are problems, there are therapy/treatment options that will desensitize her system. Again, I am not trying to alarm you, but it may be something to think about. This therapy has help numerous children.