My Daughter's 4Th Birthday and Wanting to Stay in Tarrant County

Updated on January 11, 2013
S.W. asks from Hurst, TX
4 answers

Hi yes I have a daughter who is about to be 4 in a few weeks and i've been trying to plan her birthday forever but have not found a good place. It's hard with her birthday in the winter and well funding. We don't have a house, so the house party is not an option. I want to avoid chuck E cheese. She has already had a birthday at Mc Donalds, at the apartment (very crowded), and well an indoor pool last year at Grand Prairie's natorium. I've looked at a few church's and most are booked or have few workers :( I need advice please :)

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answers from Dallas on

The gymnastics places have fun parties that are not too expensive. We have had one at Classic (Brn Trl) and one at Empire. I think Classic's parties are much better!



answers from Dallas on

Try a city rec center. North Richland Hills has a new one with a lovely indoor pool and party rooms attached.



answers from Dallas on

Lake Arlington Baptist Church has bday party packages that include a bouncehouse and gym time. Please call Sue Flahaut at ###-###-####.



answers from Dallas on

Try Pump It Up. We have been to alot of parties there and it always goes over good and it alot of fun.

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