It seems to me that it is a little early to go so long without eating while she is still so young. I breastfed my son for over a year and am breastfeeding my daughter now (4 months old)and didn't have this problem with either, but one technique that might help you is what I would do to try and get them to sleep longer. If she goes to bed at like 9pm, feed her right before bed and put her down. Then when you go to bed (for me it was like midnight, I am a night owl) go in and with the lights real low, just be ready (boob out!) and carefully take her out of bed while she is sleeping and put her on the breast. She will barely even wake up, if at all but will suckle. Then I would burp them on my shoulder (also, half asleep) and then just place them back in bed. I read about it in a book, it is called a "sleep feed". That way, you are still promoting the sleep pattern (all night), but not worried about her going so long without eating. She might then still sleep until 5am from there, but at least it's one less feeding you are missing, and you want to keep up your milk supply too. Good luck!