By how unintelligible your post is...I'm assuming you figured the alcohol is good to drink...
I am SUCH the drinker (hahaha) that I have a bottle of peppermint schnaps probably 3 years old that I just found in the back of the cabinet. It's go about 4oz left and I am thinking that it would be good in a cup of hot cocoa... think its okay to drink?
The cocoa was yummy... at least the half I got to drink before the dog knocked it into my lap... grrr... ROFL! GUESS THAT ANSWERED MY QUESTION "should I or shouldn't I"
Thanks Ladies!
By how unintelligible your post is...I'm assuming you figured the alcohol is good to drink...
Very few alcohols go bad. Wine turns to vinegar (can still use it safely, but the alcohol % is lower to nada), and some creme liqueres can go bad over time (curdling)... but aside from that... alcohol is antimicrobial. Like soap or salt. It's better to pour a high proof alcohol over an open wound than even to wash it with most salts (burns like hail, however)... and high proof alcohols can prep a patient for surgery on the fly. The alcohol itself kills anything that might try to grow in it, and anything it comes into contact with. There are some hard alcohols that have been found still "good" that are several thousand years old. Even many wines can last for hundreds and hundreds of years if stored properly and not turn to vinegar.
Have your pepermint cocoa! :)
If it looks like schnapps, smells like schnapps and tastes like schnapps then it's probably okay. wine goes bad because it doesnt have a high enough percentage of alcohol in it, but your hard stuff is usually okay. Take a little sip ... I'm sure it will make your cocoa perfect ;)
Liquor has a pretty long shelf life..enjoy!