hello R..
My son and my daughter were both the same way. Both of them at 2 1/2 started with the terrible 2's, and it lasted (im still there with my son), to almost 4. You may laugh, but with my daughter, I just took one day at a time, some days were better then others. I prayed alot ( please god let this be over soon), and I counted to 10 alot (for my own peace of mind), my daughter turned 5 in June, and she is like another child. She listens (most of the time), she helps me at home, and she is a very good sister to her brother (and he is currently trying the patience of both of us). My advice would be just take it one day at a time. Some children have a stronger will then other children, but if you keep reinforcing your rules and saying the same thing, they get it eventually. Whenever I am stressed, I call my 2 older sisters, its nice to be able to vent to someone who understands (and my sisters have teenagers now), they say " wait til you have a teenager !"