J.,first of all, congratulations on that new baby girl! my name is T., and i am a first time mom as well.if you havent already, i suggest that you might want to bring your daugter to your pediatriciann to get a referal to see a specialist.my son is 22 months old and has had gerd(gastro-esophageal reflux disease) from the day he was born, but started his painful crying fits when he was 2 weeks old. i didnt know he had this problem till he was 18 months old.he used to drink his bottles like they were going out of style, until he turned 6 month old then he started refusing his bottles. we them pretty much were forcing the milk/formula down his throat. he stayed 16 lbs. till he was10 months old then we had no choice but to get a feeding tube put in him. he still to this day,has a feeding button in his tommy,we give him 5 pediasures a day through it.we have a "food therapist" we go to for food therapy.(his g-i dr. never did bother to tell me that his problem was "gerd").(i found out by reading his medical records.) but any way,he has never yet to this day,(except for a few times) never slept through the night. he needs to sleep on an incline,so (he sleeps in his stroller, its the only thing we have that inclines that much.) he has been on previcid med since about 8-10 month old to current. we went through a year without much sleep with his painfull crying fits till he was 1.now he is fine in the day time because of his med. but, it wares off by night time, then we give him the mylicon gas med.he might have this problem all his life. most kids though do uot grow this by age one. i guess my son is an exception. but yes, i truely know what your going threw. hang in there! take it one moment at a time and if the frustration gets to much, (hey, i used to punch the wall alot!) what ever works. well, i will pray for ya!