You poor dear. You must be so worn out. Try to stretch her to feeding every 2 1/2 to 3 hours during the day. I recommend the book Baby Wise (even though I know many people disagree.) By following the flexible schedule it has helped my daughter sleep through the night-- not as early as what the book said, but she's 19 weeks and slept almost 12 hours last night. The late night feeding never worked for my daughter either. If I woke her up at 10:00 to feed she would still wake up 3 hours later, so we made her last feeding at 7:00 (8:00 before the time change) and let her sleep as long as she wanted. Eventually she stretched from 1 am to 4 am. The last couple of weeks she's made it to 5 and 6 am. I also like The Baby Whisperer book. It was similar to Baby Wise but doesn't use "crying it out." (We did let her cry it out for naps but not feedings.) I would also talk to your pediatrician to rule out any medical issues.